
How artificial intelligence is reshaping remote work

97technologies.co.uk | 14 Feb, 2022 | Return|

When the planet was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 the world of work was impacted drastically. Working practices had to change and artificial intelligence (AI) has been a powerful enabler in creating efficient remote working networks.

In aiming for the smarter manufacturing goals of Industry 4.0, companies had found that integrating AI, IoT and analytics has achieved exceptional efficiency and connectivity benefits. Online technology has been ensuring that these benefits have been spreading throughout almost every sector of business activity.

For instance, a contributor to BBN Times has described how using AI has delivered major benefits to sales opportunities for business:

“A recent HBR study about why salespeople need ‘machine intelligence’ states that companies that use AI for sales have increased leads by 50% compared to those that don’t. AI helps these companies find potential leads and engage with them until they express interest in the brand’s services.”
The post also explains how AI can support businesses to meet customer demands accurately and to reach them at a time when they are most receptive to communication. AI also offers significant benefits through:

  • Higher customer engagement and minimised churn;
  • Predicting activation and usage of existing products;
  • Greater upsell opportunities;
  • Lowered risk with better data, early warnings, and proactive nudges;
  • Reducing the cost of acquisition by promoting cross-sell and platform-led growth.

BBN Times adds that: “This increase in customer lifetime value, operating efficiency, and access to scalability are unmatchable.” 

Now successive lockdowns and emergencies have driven many businesses to relocate their teams to work from home or in other remote locations away from the office. As an SaaS application development company, we have experienced at first hand what AI has achieved in making remote work successful.

AI is a gift”

AI has a myriad of practical uses as a post on the Tech Resider Technology blog describes very vividly:

“Artificial Intelligence changed the whole meaning of technology, something that eased human work up to the extent that humans don’t even need to interfere. Machines can do things like driving a car, doing home chores, maintaining data and human resources without human interference. Artificial Intelligence is truly a gift that is considering going to change our lives for good and take us to the point of technological advancement.”

The author continues by stating:

“Artificial Intelligence is a field that focuses on building highly intelligent systems and machines that can work in place of humans or work to minimize human interference and exhibits Intelligence just like humans.  
Artificial Intelligence has been beneficial in technological advancement and helped humans do things that were impossible to do earlier. And even now, in the time of this COVID-19 pandemic, Artificial Intelligence is helping us do some things that we never thought we would be able to pull off.”

So what can the use of AI used in SaaS application development achieve for the remote working environment?

Using AI as an SaaS Application Development Company

While traditional on-premises software needs to be installed on every single computer system being used at an organisation, the same does not apply to SaaS applications. They are offered to clients via the cloud and can be used over the Internet via a web browser.

SaaS ((Software as a Service) can be defined as a method  of software deployment where the supplier  licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand.

Google Apps is a well-known example of SaaS.

Turning to the way that artificial intelligence can support business operations, Wikipedia lists the goals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as:

Artificial Intelligence can be used in SaaS application development in the creation of new products and new product features, employing some or all of the capabilities listed by Wikipedia.

Tools created by an SaaS application development company such as 97 Technologies that are driven by AI can provide businesses with invaluable data driven insights. These can significantly enhance the productivity, performance and motivation of a remote workforce, however widely it may be distributed.

Benefits of remote working

While the pandemic obliged many businesses to opt for remote working procedures, studies have shown that many professionals wished to continue to spend at least some of their time working out of the office. This is tempered by the fact that face-to-face social interaction with work colleagues is important for the wellbeing and performance of employees. So many businesses find that a division of time between office based and remote working is an ideal compromise.

AI driven tools produced through SaaS application development can offer employees working remotely a very high degree of flexibility in the way they can manage their tasks, building their confidence and encouraging initiative and creativity. AI can also be applied to meet the challenges of cybersecurity over a distributed working network.
Without the necessity of travelling to a central workplace, employees save money on the costs of commuting and can spend more time with their family. These powerful motivating factors are among the many benefits that remote working can offer. Artificial intelligence has played a significant role in reshaping the positive opportunities of a remote working environment and continued advances in this technology will undoubtedly deliver more benefits to come.

Technology is making it increasingly easy to create effective channels of communication between working colleagues and with customers throughout the world. More and more businesses are taking advantage of the flexibility that working remotely offers while ensuring that strong links of connectivity are maintained.

Individually targeted solutions

The individual needs of every business and its objectives in the sector and markets that it operates will be different. For instance, a rising form of SaaS application development often favoured by small businesses targeting niche markets is known as Micro-SaaS. This relates to tools that are of relatively low cost and are suitable for small teams to manage easily.

As an SaaS application development company, 97 Technologies has an exceptionally experienced in-house developers and technicians that work closely with our team of marketing experts. The solutions we offer are based on an in-depth knowledge of a business and its target audiences, gained through close consultation with the client and by rigorous industry research.

We have developed individually targeted SaaS applications for clients in sectors ranging from engineering to pharmaceuticals and from logistics to financial services. The data driven and AI driven solutions we have created for them have been rigorously tested before launch are scalable, flexible and future proofed for the times to come, including the increased practice of working remotely.

Please contact us for the very best advice and service relating to AI and the opportunities offered by investing in software as a service.

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